Brahma Sūtras | Śrī Bhāshya

Topic 5 - Refutation of the Bauddha Idealists Sutra 2,2.28 नाभावः, उपलब्धेः ॥ २८ ॥ nābhāvaḥ, upalabdheḥ || 28 || na —not; abhāvaḥ—non-existence; upalabdheḥ—on account of their being experienced. 28. Non-existence (of things external) is not (true) , on account of their being experienced. Here now come forward the Yogācāras, who hold that cognitions (ideas) only are real. There is

Topic 6 - Refutation of the Jainas Sutra 2,2.33 नैकस्मिन्न्, असंभवात् ॥ ३३ ॥ naikasminn, asaṃbhavāt || 33 || na —not; ekasmin —in one; asaṃbhavāt —on account of the impossibility. 33. On account of the impossibility (of contrary attributes) in one and the same thing (the Jaina doctrine is) not (true) . The Bauddhas have been refuted. As now the

Topic 7 - Refutation of the doctrine that God is only the efficient, not material, cause of the world Sutra 2,2.37 पत्युः, असामञ्जस्यात् ॥ ३७ ॥ patyuḥ, asāmañjasyāt || 37 || patyuḥ —The Lord’s; asāmañjasyāt —on account of inconsistency. 37. The Lord's (being merely the efficient cause of the world cannot hold good) on account of the inconsistency (of that

Topic 8 - Refutation of the Bhāgavata or the Pāñcharātra school Sutra 2,2.42 उत्पत्त्यसंभवात् ॥ ४२ ॥ utpattyasaṃbhavāt || 42 || utpatti-asaṃbhavāt —Owing to the impossibility of origination. 42. The origination (of the individual soul from the Lord) being impossible (the Pāñcharātra doctrine is untenable) . The Sūtras now proceed to refute a further doubt, viz. that the Pañcarātra tantra--which

Brahma Sutras: Chapter 2 Pāda 3 Topic 1 - Ether is not eternal but created Topics 2-5 Topic 2 - Air springs from ether Topic 3 - Brahman is not created Topic 4 - Fire created from air Topic 5 - Water Created From Fire Topic 6 - Earth Created From Water Topics 7-8 Topic 7 - Brahman as the

THIRD PĀDA. Topic 1 - Ether is not eternal but created Sutra 2,3.1 न वियत्, अश्रुतेः ॥ १ ॥ na viyat, aśruteḥ || 1 || na —Not; viyat —Ākāśa; aśruteḥ —(as it is) not so stated by the Śruti. 1. Ākāśa (is) not (created) , (as it is) not so stated by the Śruti. We have demonstrated that the Sānkhya-system

Topic 2 - Air springs from ether Sutra 2,3.8 एतेन मातरिश्वा व्याख्यातः ॥ ८ ॥ etena mātariśvā vyākhyātaḥ || 8 || etena —By this; mātariśvā —air; vyākhyātaḥ —is explained. 8. By this (i.e. the foregoing explanation about Ākāśa) (the fact of) air (also being an effect) is explained. The same argumentation explains the origination of air also. That a special

Topic 6 - Earth Created From Water Earth originates from water; for so the texts declare 'From water earth' (Taitt Up. II. 1, 1). 'It (water) sent forth food' (Kh. Up. VI, 2, 3). But how can the word 'food' denote earth?--To this the next Sūtra replies. Sutra 2,3.12 पृथिवि, अधिकाररूपशब्दान्तरेभ्यः ॥ १२ ॥ pṛthivī, adhikārarūpaśabdāntarebhyaḥ || 12 || pṛthivī

Topic 7 - Brahman as the creative principle residing in the preceding element is the cause of the subsequent element in the order of creation Sutra 2,3.13 तदभिध्यानादेव तु तल्लिङ्गात् सः ॥ १३ ॥ tadabhidhyānādeva tu talliṅgāt saḥ || 13 || tadat-abhidhyānāt —Because of His reflecting; eva —only; tu —but; talliṅgāt —from His indicatory marks; saḥ —He. 13. But because

Topic 9 - The mention of the mind, intellect, and organs does not interfere with the order of creation and reabsorption, as they are the products of the elements Sutra 2,3.15 अन्तरा विज्ञानमनसी क्रमेण तल्लिङ्गादिति चेत्, न, अविशेषात् ॥ १५ ॥ antarā vijñānamanasī krameṇa talliṅgāditi cet, na, aviśeṣāt || 15 || antarā —In between; vijñānamanasī —intellect and mind; krameṇa —in
