Brahma Sūtras | Śrī Bhāshya

Topic 10 - Birth and death are primarily spoken of the body, and metaphorically of the soul Sutra 2,3.16 चराचरव्यपाश्रयस्तु स्यात् तद्व्यपदेशो भाक्तः, तद्भावभावित्वात् ॥ १६ ॥ carācaravyapāśrayastu syāt tadvyapadeśo bhāktaḥ, tadbhāvabhāvitvāt || 16 || carācaravyapāśrayaḥ —Depending on (the bodies) of moving and stationary beings; tu —but; syāt —may be; tadvyapadeśaḥ —mention of that; bhāktaḥ —secondary; tadbhāva-bhāvitvāt —on account of

Topic 11 - The individual soul is permanent, eternal, etc. Sutra 2,3.17 नात्मा, आश्रुतेर्नित्यत्वाच्च ताभ्यः ॥ १७ ॥ nātmā, āśruternityatvācca tābhyaḥ || 17 || na —Is not (produced); ātmā —the individual self; āśruteḥ —not being (so) mentioned by the scriptures; nityatvāt —being eternal; ca —also; tābhyaḥ —from them (Śrutis); 17. The individual self is not (produced) , (for it is)

Topic 12 - The nature of the individual soul is intelligence Sutra 2,3.18 ज्ञोऽत एव ॥ १८ ॥ jño’ta eva || 18 || jñaḥ —Intelligence; ata eva —for this very reason. 18. For, this very reason (i.e. that it is not created) , (the individual soul is) intelligence (itself) . It has been shown that, different therein from Ether and

Topic 13 - The size of the individual soul Sutra 2,3.19 उत्क्रान्तिगत्यागतीनाम् ॥ १९ ॥ utkrāntigatyāgatīnām || 19 || utkrānti-gati-āgatīnām —Passing out, going, and returning. 19. (As the Śruti texts declare the soul’s) passing out, going (to other spheres) and returning (thence) , (the soul is not infinite in size) . The Self is not omnipresent, but on the contrary,

Topic 14 - The individual soul as agent Sutra 2,3.33 कर्ता, शास्त्रार्थवत्त्वात् ॥ ३३ ॥ kartā, śāstrārthavattvāt || 33 || kartā —Agent; śāstrārthavattvāt —in order that the scriptures may have a meaning. 33. (The soul is) an agent, on account of scriptural (injunctions) having a meaning on that ground only. It has been shown that the individual Self is a

Topic 15 - The soul is an agent only so long as it is connected with the Upādhis Sutra 2,3.40 यथा च तक्षोभयथा ॥ ४० ॥ yathā ca takṣobhayathā || 40 || yathā —Even as; ca —and; takṣa — carpenter; ubhayathā —is both; 40. And even as a carpenter is both. The Self, although always provided with the instruments of

Topic 16 - The soul in its activity is dependent on the Lord Sutra 2,3.41 परात्तु तच्छ्रुतेः ॥ ४१ ॥ parāttu tacchruteḥ || 41 || parāt —From the Supreme lord; tu —but; tat —that (agency); śruteḥ —so declares the Śruti. 41. But (even) that (agency of the soul) is from the Supreme Lord; so declares the Śruti. Is the activity

Topic 17 - Relation of the individual soul to Brahman Sutra 2,3.43 अंशो नानाव्यपदेशात्, अन्यथा चापि दाशकितवादित्वमधीयत एके ॥ ४३ ॥ aṃśo nānāvyapadeśāt, anyathā cāpi dāśakitavāditvamadhīyata eke || 43 || aṃśaḥ —Part; nānāvyapadeśāt —on account of difference being declared; anyathā —otherwise; ca —and; api —also; dāśakitavāditvam —being fishermen, knaves, etc.; adhīyate —read; eke —some (Sâkhâs of the Vedas). 43. (The

FOURTH PĀDA. Topic 1 - The organs are produced from Brahman Sutra 2,4.1 तथा प्राणाः ॥ १ ॥ tathā prāṇāḥ || 1 || tathā —Likewise; prāṇāḥ —the organs. 1. Likewise the organs (are produced from Brahman) . After having taught that Ether and all the other elements are effects, and hence have originated, the Sūtras had shown that the individual

Topic 2 - The number of the organs Sutra 2,4.5 सप्त गतेर्विशेषितत्वाच्च ॥ ५ ॥ sapta gaterviśeṣitatvācca || 5 || sapta —Seven; gateḥ —being so known (from the scriptures); viśeṣitatvāc —on account of the specification; ca —and. 5. (The organs are) seven (in number) , because it is so known (from the scriptures) and on account of the specification (of
