Brahma Sūtras | Śrī Bhāshya

Topic 6 - When the souls enter into plants etc. they only get connected with them and do not participate in their life Sutra 3,1.24 अन्याधिष्ठिते पूर्ववत्, अभिलापात् ॥ २४ ॥ anyādhiṣṭhite pūrvavat, abhilāpāt || 24 || anya-adhiṣṭhite —Into what is ruled by another; pūrvavat —as in the previous cases; abhilāpāt —for so the Śruti states. 24. (The descending soul

Brahma Sutras: Chapter 3 Pāda 2 Topic 1 - The soul in the dream state Topic 2 - The soul in dreamless sleep Topic 3-4 Topic 3 - The self-same soul returns from Suṣupti Topic 4 - The nature of a swoon Topic 5 - The nature of the Supreme Brahman Topic 6 - ‘Not this, not this’ in Brih.

SECOND PĀDA. Topic 1 - The soul in the dream state Sutra 3,2.1 संध्ये सृष्टिराह हि ॥ १ ॥ saṃdhye sṛṣṭirāha hi || 1 || saṃdhye —In the intermediate stage (between waking and deep sleep, i.e. in the dream state); sṛṣṭiḥ —(there is real) creation; āha —(Śruti) says so; hi —because; 1. In the intermediate stage (between waking and deep

Topic 2 - The soul in dreamless sleep Now the state of deep sleep or Suṣupti is taken up for discussion. Sutra 3,2.7 तदभावो नाडीषु, तच्छ्रुतेः, आत्मनि च ॥ ७ ॥ tadabhāvo nāḍīṣu, tacchruteḥ, ātmani ca || 7 || tat-abhāvaḥ —Absence of that (dreaming), in other words Suṣupti; nāḍīṣu —in the nerves; ātmani ca —and in the self; tat-śruteḥ —as

Topic 3 - The self-same soul returns from Suṣupti Sutra 3,2.9 स एव तु, कर्मानुस्मृति-शब्दविधिभ्यः ॥ ९ ॥ sa eva tu, karmānusmṛti-śabdavidhibhyaḥ || 9 || sa eva —The self-same soul; tu —but; karma-anusmṛti-śabda-vidhibhyaḥ —on account of Karma, memory, scriptural authority, and precept. 9. But the self-same soul (returns from Brahman after Suṣupti) on account of work, memory, scriptural authority, and

Topic 5 - The nature of the Supreme Brahman Sutra 3,2.11 न स्थानतोऽपि परस्योभयलिङ्गम्, सर्वत्र हि ॥ ११ ॥ na sthānato’pi parasyobhayaliṅgam, sarvatra hi || 11 || na —Not; sthānataḥ —from (difference of) place; api —even; parasya —of Brahman; ubhayaliṅgaṃ —twofold characteristic; hi —because; sarvatra —throughout (the scriptures teach otherwise). 11. Even from (difference of) place a twofold characteristic cannot

Topic 6 - ‘Not this, not this’ in Brih. 2.3.6. denies the gross and subtle forms of Brahman given in Brih. 2.3.1. and not Brahman Itself Sutra 3,2.22 प्रकृतैतावत्त्वं हि प्रतिषेधति ततो ब्रवीति च भूयः ॥ २२ ॥ prakṛtaitāvattvaṃ hi pratiṣedhati tato bravīti ca bhūyaḥ || 22 || prakṛta-etāvattvaṃ —What has been mentioned up to this; pratiṣedhati —denies; tato —than

Topic 7 - Brahman is one without a second, and expressions which apparently imply something else as existing are only metaphorical Sutra 3,2.31 परमतः सेतून्मानसंबन्धभेदव्यपदेशेभ्यः ॥ ३१ ॥ paramataḥ setūnmānasaṃbandhabhedavyapadeśebhyaḥ || 31 || param —Greater; ataḥ —than this (Brahman); setu-unmāna-saṃbandha-bheda-vyapadeśebhyaḥ —on account of terms denoting a bank, measure, connection, and difference. 31. (There is something) superior to this (Brahman) ,

Topic 8 - Īśvara the giver of the fruits of actions Sutra 3,2.38 फलमतः, उपपत्तेः ॥ ३८ ॥ phalamataḥ, upapatteḥ || 38 || phalam —Fruits of actions; ataḥ —from Him; upapatteḥ —for that is reasonable. 38. From Him (the Lord) are the fruits of actions; for that is reasonable. It has been shown, for the purpose of giving rise to

Brahma Sutras: Chapter 3 Pāda 3 Topic 1 - The Vidyās with identical or similar form met with in the scriptures, or in different recensions of the scriptures are one Vidyā Topic 2 - Particulars of identical Vidyās mentioned in different places or Śākhās are to be combined into one meditation Topic 3 - Vidyās having really different subject-matter are
