Brahma Sūtras | Śrī Bhāshya

Topic 3 - The organs are minute in size Sutra 2,4.7 अणवश्च ॥ ५ ॥ aṇavaśca || 7 || aṇavaḥ —Minute; ca —and. 7. And (they are) minute. As the text 'these are all alike, all infinite' (Bri. Up. I, 5, 13), declares speech, mind, and breath to be infinite, we conclude that the prāṇas are all-pervading.--To this the Sūtra

Topic 5 - The chief vital force is different from air and sense functions Sutra 2,4.9 न वायुक्रिये, पृथगुपदेशात् ॥ ९ ॥ na vāyukriye, pṛthagupadeśāt || 9 || na vāyukriye —Not air nor function; pṛthak —separately; upadeśāt —on account of its being mentioned. 9. (The chief Prāṇa) is neither air nor any function (of the organs) on account of its

Topic 6 - The minuteness of the vital force Sutra 2,4.13 अणुश्च ॥ १३ ॥ aṇuśca || 13 || aṇuḥ —Minute; ca —and. 13. And it is minute. This prāṇa also is minute, since as before (i.e. as in the case of the organs) the text declares it to pass out of the body, to move, and so on, 'him

Topic 8 - The organs are independent principles and not modes of the chief Prāṇa Sutra 2,4.17 त इन्द्रियाणि, तद्व्यपदेशादन्यत्र श्रेष्ठात् ॥ १७ ॥ ta indriyāṇi, tadvyapadeśādanyatra śreṣṭhāt || 17 || te —They; indriyāṇi —organs; tadvyapadeśāt —being so designated; śreṣṭhāt anyatra —except the chief. 17. They (the other Prāṇas) except the chief (Prāṇa) are organs (and so different from the

Topic 9 - The creation of names and forms is by the Lord and not by the individual soul Sutra 2,4.20 संज्ञामूर्तिक्लृप्तिस्तु त्रिवृत्कुर्वत उपदेशात् || २० || saṃjñāmūrtiklṛptistu trivṛtkurvata upadeśāt || 20 || saṃjñāmūrtiklṛptiḥ - the creation of name and form; tu - but; trivṛtkurvataḥ - of Him who does the tripartite creation, of His who made the elements triple;

Brahma Sutras: Chapter 3 Pāda 1 Topic 1 - The soul, when passing out of the body at death is enveloped with fine particles of the gross elements Topic 2 - The souls descending from heaven have a residual Karma, which determines their birth Topic 3 - The fate after death of those souls whose actions do not entitle them

THIRD ADHYĀYA. FIRST PĀDA. Topic 1 - The soul, when passing out of the body at death is enveloped with fine particles of the gross elements Sutra 3,1.1 तदन्तरप्रतिपत्तौ रंहति संपरिष्वक्तः, प्रश्ननिरूपणाभ्याम् ॥ १ ॥ tadantarapratipattau raṃhati saṃpariṣvaktaḥ, praśnanirūpaṇābhyām || 1 || tadantarapratipattau —With a view to obtaining a fresh body; raṃhati —goes; saṃpariṣvaktaḥ —enveloped (with subtle parts of the

Topic 2 - The souls descending from heaven have a residual Karma, which determines their birth Sutra 3,1.8 कृतात्ययेऽनुशयवान्, दृष्टस्मृतिभ्याम्, यथेतमनेवं च ॥ ८ ॥ kṛtātyaye’nuśayavān, dṛṣṭasmṛtibhyām, yathetamanevaṃ ca || 8 || kṛtātyaye —On the exhaustion of (good) work; anuśayavān —possessed of residual Karma; dṛṣṭasmṛtibhyām —as is known from the Śruti and Smriti; yathā etam —as (it) went; anevam —differently;

Topic 3 - The fate after death of those souls whose actions do not entitle them to go to the lunar world Sutra 3,1.12 अनिष्टादिकारिणामपि च श्रुतम् ॥ १२ ॥ aniṣṭādikāriṇāmapi ca śrutam || 12 || aniṣṭādikāriṇām —Of those who do not perform sacrifices etc.; api —even; ca —also; śrutam —is declared by the Śruti. 12. The Śruti declares (the

Topic 4 - The soul in its descent from the moon does not become identified with ether etc. but attains similarity of nature Sutra 3,1.22 तत्साभाव्यापत्तिः, उपपत्तेः ॥ २२ ॥ tatsābhāvyāpattiḥ, upapatteḥ || 22 || tat-sābhāvya-āpattiḥ —Attainment of a similarity of nature with them; upapatteḥ —being reasonable. 22. (The soul when descending from Chandraloka) attains similarity of nature with them
