Brahma Sūtras | Śrī Bhāshya

Topic 4 - The Highest Person to be meditated upon is the Highest Brahman Sutra 1,3.13 ईक्षतिकर्मव्यपदेशात् सः ॥ १३ ॥ īkṣatikarmavyapadeśāt saḥ || 13 || īkṣati-karma —Object of seeing; vyapadeśāt —because of his being mentioned; saḥ —he. 13. Because of his being mentioned as an object of (the act of) seeing, he (who is to be meditated upon is

Topic 5 - The ‘small Ākāśa’ is Brahman Sutra 1,3.14 दहर उत्तरेभ्यः ॥ १४ ॥ dahara uttarebhyaḥ || 14 || daharaḥ —Small; uttarebhyaḥ —because of subsequent texts. 14. The small (Ākāśa) (is Brahman) because of subsequent texts (which give ample indication to that effect) . The Chāṇḍogya have the following text, 'Now in that city of Brahman there is the

Topic 6 - That which shining, everything shines is Brahman Sutra 1,3.22 अनुकृतेस्तस्य च ॥ २२ ॥ anukṛtestasya ca || 22 || abykṛteḥ —Because of the acting after; tasya —Its; ca —and. 22. Because of the acting after ( i.e. shining after) (That which shining, everything else shines) and (because by) Its (light everything else is lighted) . The individual

Topic 7 - The person of the size of a thumb is Brahman Sutra 1,3.24 शब्दादेव प्रमितः ॥ २४ ॥ śabdādeva pramitaḥ || 24 || śabdāt —From the word; eva —itself; pramitaḥ —measured. 24. From the very word (‘Lord’ by which it is referred to in the text) (the being) measured (by the size of the thumb is Brahman) .

Topic 8 - The right of the gods to the study of the Vedas Sutra 1,3.26 तदुपर्यपि बादरायणः संभवात् ॥ २६ ॥ taduparyapi bādarāyaṇaḥ saṃbhavāt || 26 || tadupari —Above them; api —also; bādarāyaṇaḥ —Bādarāyaṇa; saṃbhavāt —because (it is) possible. 26. (Beings) above them (men) also (are entitled to the study of the Vedas) because (it is) possible (for them

Topic 9 - The right of the Śudras to the study of the Vedas discussed Sutra 1,3.34 शुगस्य तदनादरश्रवणात्, तदाद्रवणात्, सूच्यते हि ॥ ३४॥ śugasya tadanādaraśravaṇāt, tadādravaṇāt, sūcyate hi || 34 || śuk —Grief; asya —his; tat-anādaraśravaṇāt —from hearing his (the Rishi’s) contemptuous words; tat —that (grief); ādravaṇāt —owing to his approaching; sūcyate —is referred to; hi —because. 34. His

Topic 10 - The Prāṇa in which everything trembles is Brahman Sutra 1,3.39 कम्पनात् ॥ ३९॥ kampanāt || 39 || kampanāt —On account of vibration. 39. (Prāṇa is Brahman) on account of the vibration (spoken of the whole world) . In the part of the Katha-Upanishad which intervenes between the passage 'The Person of the size of a thumb stands

Topic 11 - The ‘light’ is Brahman Sutra 1,3.40 ज्योतिर्दर्शनात् ॥ ४०॥ jyotirdarśanāt || 40 || jyotiḥ —Light; darśanāt —on account of (Brahman) being seen. 40. Light (is Brahman) on account of (Brahman) being seen (as the subject of the texts) . Between the two texts referring to the Person of the size of a thumb, there is a text

Topic 12 - The Ākāśa which reveals names and forms is Brahman Sutra 1,3.41 आकाशोऽर्थान्तरत्वादिव्यपदेशात् ॥ ४१॥ ākāśo'rthāntaratvādivyapadeśāt || 41 || ākāśaḥ —Ākāśa; arthāntaratvādi-vyapadeśāt —because it is declared to be something different etc. 41. Ākāśa (is Brahman) because it is declared to be something different etc. (from names and forms and yet their revealer) . We read in the Chāṇḍogya.

Topic 13 - The Self consisting of knowledge is not the individual soul but Brahman Sutra 1,3.42 सुषुप्त्युत्क्रान्त्योर्भेदेन ॥ ४२॥ suṣuptyutkrāntyorbhedena || 42 || suṣupti-utkrāntyoḥ —In deep sleep and death; bhedena —as different. 42. Because of the Supreme Self being shown as different (from the individual soul) in the states of deep sleep and death. We have to supply 'on
