Brahma Sūtras | Śrī Bhāshya

Topic 4 - The soul which has attained the Saguṇa Brahman effects its desires by mere will Sutra 4,4.8 संकल्पादेव तु, तच्छ्रुतेः ॥ ८ ॥ saṃkalpādeva tu, tacchruteḥ || 8 || saṃkalpāt —Through will; eva —only; tu —but; tat-śruteḥ —on account of the scriptures saying that. 8. But through mere will (the released souls attain their purpose) , for the

Topic 6 - The released soul which has attained the Saguṇa Brahman can animate several bodies at the same time Sutra 4,4.15 प्रदीपवदावेशः, तथा हि दर्शयति ॥ १५ ॥ pradīpavadāveśaḥ, tathā hi darśayati || 15 || pradīpavat —Like a flame; āveśaḥ —animating; tathā —so; hi —because; darśayati —the scripture shows. 15. (The released soul’s) animating (different bodies) is like that

Topic 7 - The released soul which has attained Brahmaloka has all the lordly powers except the power of creation etc. Sutra 4,4.17 जगद्व्यापारवर्जम्, प्रकरणात्, असंनिहितत्वाच्च ॥ १७ ॥ jagadvyāpāravarjam, prakaraṇāt, asaṃnihitatvācca || 17 || jagadvyāpāravarjam —Except the power of creation etc.; prakaraṇāt —on account of (Iswara being) the subject-matter; asaṃnihitatvāt —on account of (released souls) not being mentioned; ca

Topic 8 - The arguments which refute the Sānkhyas refute also others Sutra 1,4.28 एतेन सर्वे व्याख्याता व्याख्याताः ॥ २८ ॥ etena sarve vyākhyātā vyākhyātāḥ || 28 || etena —By this; sarve —all; vyākhyātāḥ —are explained. 28. By this all (doctrines with reference to the origin of the world contrary to the Vedānta texts) are explained. Hereby, i.e. by the
