Philosophy of Śrī Vaiśṇavas

Vaiṣṇavism | Introduction

Vaishnavism is the name given to the faith and practices of those Hindus who hold Vishnu (Viṣṇu) (“the all-pervasive one”) and the goddess Lakṣmī (Lakṣmī) as supreme deities. The Sanskrit term Vaishnava (Vaiṣṇava) means “follower of Vishnu.” Devotion to Vishnu seen in the Vedas and later Sanskrit literature, amalgamated with the worship of many local deities and texts, eventually gave rise to the Vaiṣṇava faith.

Śrī Vaiṣṇavism | Handbook

Śrī Vaiṣṇavism is another ‘Insight-in-Truth’ and like all the orthodox Darśana systems within Hinduism, claims the Vedas as its authority. The doctrines of the Śrī Vaiṣṇava faith, according to popular belief originated with the Supreme Person, Śrīman Nārāyaṇa, who taught them to His eternal consort Lakshmi; She in turn revealed them to Viṣvaksena - Martial of the entourage of the Lord.

Philosophy of Rāmānujācārya

What has been attempted is only the presentation of Rāmānuja’s views on important points with just so much reference to the doctrines of Śaṅkara, as is necessary to understand Rāmānuja. Enough has, however, been said to show that Rāmānuja and his system, though not possessing the, simplicity or universality of Śaṅkarācārya’s, is yet an eminently sound one, compatible with an admission of the reality of

Rāmānuja Philosophy of Viśiṣṭādvaita

It is the merit of the Viśiṣṭādvaita of Rāmānuja as a synthetic philosophy of love that it seeks to reconcile the extremes of monism and theism and, like all mediating systems, it is often misunderstood by its followers as well as by its critics.Viśiṣṭādvaita states that God is immanent in all beings as their inner self and at the same time transcendent.

Śrīnivāsa Kalyāṇam story

Śrīnivāsa Kalyāṇam The Story of Lord Veṅkaṭeśvara (Śrīnivāsa, incarnation of Lord Vishnu) and his marriage with Śrī Lakshmi Devī and Padmāvatī (Bhu-devī) The story of Śrīnivāsa Kalyāṇam spans over 3 eons (Yugas) relating to incidents from Trētā Yuga (Rāma’s period), to Dvāpara Yuga (Krishna’s period), and finally to Kālī Yuga (Veṅkaṭeśvara). Kālī Yuga started soon after the Mahābhārata period. There was a general decline in

Hindu Icons and Symbols

Everything connected with the Hindu icon has a symbolic meaning - the posture, gestures, ornaments, number of arms, weapons, vehicle, consorts and associate deities. Iconology is defined as the study of the symbolism behind Sacred Images. One of the most prominent tools of devotion in Hinduism is the use of images. These images or icons are made of wood, stone, metal or painted on cloth.

Trinity - Hindu Icons and Symbols

This is the second part in series of introduction about Hindu Icons and Symbols - this time we will study in detail about the Hindu Trinity or Trimūrti - the most important Devas who Create, Suppport and Destroy this Universe in the course of cycle of time - about Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva respectively, their symbols, tools, vehicles, most important qualities and features.

Hindu Icons and Symbols | Inner Circle IV

This part of series on Hindu icons and Symbols is dedicated to what we could call the Dharma Princes or Devas of Inner Circle - they are the most venerated deities right next to the Devas of Trimūrti and Divine Mother. I am speaking here about the 2 Divine sons of Lord Shiva - namely - Śrī Ganesha and Lord Murugan, the Lord Ayyappa -

Iconography of the Vedic Deities

Iconography of the Vedic Deities Almost all the original High Gods of the Rig Veda have been demoted in modern Hinduism to Loka- pālas — guardian deities of the directions. Three relatively minor deities of the Rig Veda were elevated to the modern Trinity — Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva. The Loka-pālas play a major role in Vāstu and are invoked in all ceremonies involving buildings.

The Navagrahas — Planetary Deities

The Nine planets (Nava-Grahas) are the “Lords of Karma” and are the mediators of Karma – Action — it’s causes and its effects. Everything in the world is ruled by one or other of the Grahas. The external Macrocosm is known as Brahmāṇḍa and the internal Microcosm of the individual is known as Piṇḍāṇḍa — both are mutually related to each other: For example the
