III-3 Śrī Bhāshya | Rāmānuja
Brahma Sutras: Chapter 3 Pāda 3
Topic 1 - The Vidyās with identical or similar form met with in the scriptures, or in different recensions of the scriptures are one Vidyā
Topic 2 - Particulars of identical Vidyās mentioned in different places or Śākhās are to be combined into one meditation
Topic 3 - Vidyās having really different subject-matter are separate, though in other respects there are similarities
Topic 4 - Specializing the ‘Om’ of the Udgītha Vidyā is apt, as ‘Om’ is common to all the Vedas
Topic 5 - Unity of the Prāṇa Vidyā
Topic 6 - In all the meditations on Brahman qualities like ‘Bliss’ etc., which describe Its nature, are to be combined into one meditation, and not others
Topic 7 - Kath. 1.3.10-11 simply aims at teaching that the Self is higher than everything else
Topic 8 - The self referred to in Ait. 1.1 is the Supreme Self and consequently the attributes of the Self given in other places are to be included in this Aitareya meditation
Topic 9 - Rinsing the mouth is not enjoined in the Prāṇa Vidyā, but only thinking the water as the dress of Prāṇa
Topic 10 - Vidyās in the same Śākhā which are identical or similar have to be combined, for they are one
Topic 11 - The names ‘Ahar’ and ‘Aham’ of the Supreme Brahman as abiding in the sun and in the right eye respectively, given in Brih . 5. 5.1-2, cannot be combined, as these are two separate Vidyās
Topic 12 - Attributes of Brahman mentioned in Rānāyaniya-khila are not to be taken into consideration in other Brahma Vidyās e.g. the Śāndilya Vidyā, as the former is an independent Vidyā on account of the difference of Brahman’s abode
Topic 13 - The Purusha Vidyā in the Chāṇḍogya and the Taittirīya are not one
Topic 14 - Detached Mantras like “Pierce the whole (body of the enemy)” etc. and sacrifices mentioned at the beginning of certain Upanishads do not form part of the Brahma Vidyā inculcated in the Upanishads
Topic 15 - The statement made in one of the texts that the good and evil deeds of a person who has attained Knowledge go to his friends and enemies respectively, is valid for all texts where discarding of good and, evil Karma by such a person is mentioned
Topic 16 - The discarding of good and evil by the knower of Brahman takes place at the time of death and not on his way to Brahmaloka
Topic 17 - The knower of the Saguṇā Brahman alone goes by the path of the gods after death and not the knower of the Nirguna Brahman
Topic 18 - All the worshippers of the Saguṇā Brahman go after death by the path of the gods to Brahmaloka, and not merely those who know the Panchāgni Vidyā etc., wherein such a path is specifically mentioned
Topic 19 - Perfected Souls May Be Reborn For The Fulfilment Of Some Divine Mission
Topic 20 - The negative attributes of Brahman mentioned in various texts are to be combined in all meditations on Brahman
Topic 21 - Muṇḍaka 3.1.1 and Katha 1.3.1 form one Vidyā
Topic 22 - Brihadāraṇyaka 3.4.1 and 3.5.1 constitute one Vidyā
Topic 23 - The Śruti enjoins reciprocal meditation in Ait. Ar. 2. 2. 4. 6 and not merely one way
Topic 24 - Brihadāraṇyaka 5. 4. 1 and 5. 5. 2 treat of one Vidyā about Satya Brahman
Topic 25 - Attributes mentioned in Chh. 8. 1. 1 and Brih . 4. 4. 22 are to be combined on account of a number of common features in both the texts
Topic 26 - Prāṇāgnihotra need not be observed on days of fast
Topic 27 - Upāsanās mentioned in connection with certain sacrifices are not parts of them and hence are not inseparably connected with them
Topic 28 - Meditations on Vāyu and Prāṇa are to be kept separate in spite of the essential oneness of these two
Topic 29 - The fires in Agnirahasya of the Brihadāraṇyaka are not part of the sacrificial act, but constitute a separate Vidyā
Topic 30 - The Self is a separate entity from the body
Topic 31 - Upāsanās connected with sacrificial acts, e.g. the Udgītha Upāsanā, are valid for all Śākhās
Topic 32 - Vaiśvānara Upāsanā is one entire Upāsanā
Topic 33 - Various Vidyās like the Śāndilya Vidyā, Dahara Vidyā, and so on are to be kept separate and not combined into one entire Upāsanā
Topic 34 - Among Vidyās relating to Brahman any one alone should be selected according to one’s choice
Topic 35 - Meditations yielding special desires may or may not be combined according to liking
Topic 36 - Meditations connected with members of sacrificial acts may or may not be combined according to liking