Śrī Vaiṣṇavism

Periya Thiruvandhadhi is another work of the famous Vaishnava Āḻvār Nammāḷvār – one and probably the most popular of ancient Vaiṣṇavite saints. The present poem of Śrī Nammāḷvār consists of 87 verses and also forms a part of Nālāyira Divya Prabandham - also known as Drāviḍa Veda – consisting of 4000 verses altogether. Another, much longer poem of the same

*/ 31. (We) Have the beautiful knowledge (that the Lord is the means) for eliminating our terrible unrighteous actions. (Thus we) Have become the shadow and the foot creases (the servants) to the lotus feet of our Lord - who in the ages gone by (as Śrī Krishna) danced circling around with the pots on his head and who later

*/ 61. The glowing stars spread over the spacious skies, look like flowers with a variety of bright coloured pollens thrown over the divine feet of the Lord of the universe when He measured the earth, by the various devas in their turn one by one as per the respective Vedic rites. Note: Having obtained what he desired, Āḻvār began

Thirupalliyezhuchi by Thondaradipodi Āḻvār The Āḻvār, Śrī Thondar-adi-podi (dust of the feet of the devotees of the Lord), in these verses requests the Lord of Śrīraṅgam to awake from his Yoga Nidrā to bless all those gathered to receive his Darśan. With a fine description of the nature around Śrīraṅgam and a broad canvas of poetic imagery, the verses carry

One evening, the king took Viṣṇu-citta on a ceremonial parade around the city on his elephant. Śrīman Nārāyaṇa, delighted to see all these honours being showered on the Āḻvār, appeared in the sky on His Garuda Vāhana with Śrī Mahālakṣmī. He always enjoyed Krishna as a child, blessed the Lord with a long life imagining himself as the Lord's mother

Madhura Kavi is that celebrated Āḻvār, who had no interest in worldly attainments or Lord’s grace, since his mind was totally occupied by the thoughts about his Ācārya, Swāmi Nammāḷvār. His connection with Ācārya was the only one that mattered to him. His sole enjoyment was the singing of the four great poems of Swāmi Nammāḷvār everywhere as the four

Tiruppānāḷvar was completely immersed in divine love all his life with his mind fixed on the Arcā mūrti, Lord Śrī Raṅganātha. Vishnu appeared in the dream of sage Loka Sāranga and commanded him to fetch Pānar to the temple the next morning in his shoulders. When they reached the sanctum, Pānar experienced the bliss of Raṅganātha and composed the Amalān

We already discussed recently the biography of Periyāḻvār – or Āḻvār ‘the Great’ – at length – on a separate page, as also Periyāḻvār’s most popular work - Tiruppallāṇdu – which can roughly be translated as “Be forever our Lord!” – however – it was only the first chapter of a much larger work called Periyāḻvār Tirumoḷi or the Holy

51. O Acyuta! The earth goddess sent a dress, a small golden sword with a handle, golden bangles, a diamond ornament for your forehead and a shining golden flower on a stalk for you. You drank the poison from the breast of Puthana, thalelo. O Nārāyaṇa! Do not cry, thalelo. 52. Durga, the goddess who rides on a heroic deer

101. When you went to Duryodhana’s assembly, he shone like a sun, surrounded with kings decorated with heroic anklets. He saw you and stood up first but sat down again and looked at you angrily. You looked at Duryodhana with fiery eyes and destroyed his evil thoughts. acho, acho. You carry a discus in your hand. Come and embrace me,
