Hinduism Scriptures General

Periya Thiruvandhadhi | Nammāḷvār

Periya Thiruvandhadhi is another work of the famous Vaishnava Āḻvār Nammāḷvār – one and probably the most popular of ancient Vaiṣṇavite saints. The present poem of Śrī Nammāḷvār consists of 87 verses and also forms a part of Nālāyira Divya Prabandham - also known as Drāviḍa Veda – consisting of 4000 verses altogether. Another, much longer poem of the same - Tiruvāymoḷi we could read

Tiruppāvai of Āṇḍāḷ | Divya Prabandham

Here I continue to publish significant works of Drāviḍa Veda – Divya Prabandham – and this time – it is the work Tiruppāvai in 30 verses by an ancient Tamil saint – Śrī Āṇḍāḷ - the only female saint among the classical 12 Āḻvār saints of Śrī Vaiṣṇavism. The work itself in original Tamil transliterated text and English translation can be read on this current

Tiruvāymoḷi of Śrī Nammāḷvār | Divya Prabandham

Tiruvāymoḷi of Śrī Nammāḷvār | Divya Prabandham. This work comprises of ten hundreds - centums or hundred decades, each of which is called a “Tiruvāymoḷi” which means “Inspired utterance” as well as “Divine speech”, the speech from the holy mouth of the Saint Nammāḷvār. Tiruvāymoḷi of Śrī Nammāḷvār is also a part of what is known as Collection of Works of ancient Vaiṣṇavite Āḻvārs or

Nīlā Sūktam (Neela Suktam) in Sanskrit with transliteration and English translation. Do be gracious unto us. Rich in ghee, O Sāvitrī, through your sovreignity be the bounteous region rich in milk, for us. The firm among the quarters, Lady-of Vishnu, the mild, ruling over this strength, the desirable, Bṛhaspati, Mātariśva, Vāyu, the winds blowing together be gracious unto us. Supporter of the Sky, supporter of

Bhū Sūktam in Sanskrit with transliteration and English translation. O goddess Aditi, You are the Earth in depth. sky in breadth, atmosphere in greatness. In your lap , I place Agni, the all-consumer for the consumption [of oblations]. Whatever of you scattered in rage, was spread over the earth, That the Ādityas, the All-gods and the Vāsus gathered together. With her inspiration from his expiration,

Vedic Śrī Sūktam of Śrī Lakshmi Mā with transliteration and English translation. O Jātaveda! O Agni! Invite for my sake, the Goddess of good fortune, the golden-hued dame, the doe-like, moon-like maiden wreathed in gold and silver. Take me to the Goddess of Good Fortune - not a fickle deity, but one who is unswerving. May I obtain gold, cows, horses and men from her.

Viṣṇu Sūktam in Sanskrit with transliteration and English translation. I will declare the mighty deeds of Vishnu; of Him who measured out the earthly regions. Who established the highest abode , thrice setting down His footstep, widely striding. Thou art the forehead of Vishnu; thou art the back of Vishnu; ye two are the corners of Vishnu's mouth. Thou art the thread of Vishnu, thou

Nārāyaṇa Sūktam in Sanskrit with transliteration and English translation. Nārāyaṇa is the Supreme-Reality designated as Brahman. Nārāyaṇa is the Supreme, Nārāyaṇa is the Supreme Light (described in the Upanishads), Nārāyaṇa is the Supreme. Nārāyaṇa is the most excellent meditator and meditation. Whatsoever there is in this universe known through perception or report; all that is pervaded by Nārāyaṇa within and without.

Puruṣa Sūktam. Purusha Sūkta (puruṣasūkta) is hymn 10.90 of the Rig-Veda, dedicated to the Purusha, the "Cosmic Being" or "Soul". The Purusha Sūkta gives a description of the spiritual unity of the universe. It presents the nature of Purusha or the cosmic being as both immanent in the manifested world and yet transcendent to it. From this being, the Sūkta holds, the original creative will

Mantras to Lord Rāma

Prayer to Lord Rāma (Śrī Rāma-Vandanam) These 3 Mantras of Lord Rāma are recommended to recite every morning as regular prayer before chanting the Guru-Mantra. The first Mantra is infallible Mantra in removing all kinds of sufferings of Jīva and bestows the grace of all merciful Lord Rāma, the most superior. Especially famous for it's healing qualities. The second Mantra is one of the greatest
