III-4 Śrī Bhāshya | Rāmānuja


Brahma Sutras: Chapter 3 Pāda 4

Topic 1 - Knowledge of Brahman is not subordinate to sacrificial acts

Topic 2 - Sannyāsa is prescribed by the scriptures

Topic 3 - Scriptural statements as in Chh. 1.1.3 which refer to Vidyās are not merely glorification, but enjoin the meditations

Topic 4-5

Topic 4 - The stories recorded in the Upanishads do not serve the purpose of Pāriplavas and so do not form part of the ritualistic acts. They are meant to glorify the Vidyā taught in them

Topic 5 - Sannyāsins need not observe ritualistic acts, as Knowledge serves their purpose

Topic 6 - Nevertheless works prescribed by the scriptures are useful as they are an indirect means to Knowledge

Topic 7 - Restrictions as regards food may be waived only when life is at stake

Topic 8 - The duties of the Āśrama are to be performed by even one who is not desirous of Knowledge

Topic 9 - Those who stand midway between two Āśramas are also entitled to Knowledge

Topic 10-11

Topic 10 - One who has taken the vow of lifelong celibacy (Sannyāsa) cannot revert back to his former stages of life

Topic 11 - Expiation for one who transgresses the vow of lifelong celibacy

Topic 12-13

Topic 12 - The lifelong celibate who lapses in his vows to be shunned by society

Topic 13 - The meditations connected with the subordinate members of sacrificial acts are to be gone through by the priest and not by the sacrificer

Topic 14 - In Brih. 3.5.1 meditativeness is enjoined besides scholarship and the childlike state

Topic 15-17

Topic 15 - Childlike state means the state of innocence, being free from anger, passion, etc.

Topic 16 - The time of the origination of Knowledge when the Vidyā is practised

Topic 17 - There Is No Difference In Liberation, I.e. In The Cognition Of Brahman—it Is Of One Kind In All Cases