II-1 Śrī Bhāshya | Rāmānuja | 2

Topic 2 - Refutation of the Yoga philosophy

Sutra 2,1.3

एतेन योगः प्रत्युक्तः ॥ ३ ॥

etena yogaḥ pratyuktaḥ || 3 ||

etena—By this; yogaḥ—the Yoga philosophy; pratyuktaḥ—is (also) refuted.

3. By this the Yoga philosophy is (also) refuted.

By the above refutation of Kapila's Smriti the Yoga-smriti also is refuted.--But a question arises, What further doubt arises here with regard to the Yoga system, so as to render needful the formal extension to the Yoga of the arguments previously set forth against the Sānkhya?--It might appear, we reply, that the Vedānta should be supported by the Yoga-smriti, firstly, because the latter admits the existence of a Lord; secondly, because the Vedānta-texts mention Yoga as a means to bring about final Release; and thirdly, because Hiraṇyagarbha, who proclaimed the Yoga-smriti is qualified for the promulgation of all Vedānta-texts.--But these arguments refute themselves as follows. In the first place the Yoga holds the Pradhāna, which is independent of Brahman, to be the general material cause, and hence the Lord acknowledged by it is a mere operative cause. In the second place the nature of meditation, in which Yoga consists, is determined by the nature of the object of meditation, and as of its two objects, viz. the soul and the Lord, the former does not have its Self in Brahman, and the latter is neither the cause of the world nor endowed with the other auspicious qualities (which belong to Brahman), the Yoga is not of Vedic character. And as to the third point, Hiraṇyagarbha himself is only an individual soul, and hence liable to be overpowered by the inferior gunas, i.e. passion and darkness; and hence the Yoga-smriti is founded on error, no less than the Purāṇas, promulgated by him, which are founded on ragas and tamas. The Yoga cannot, therefore, be used for the support of the Vedānta.--Here finishes the Adhikaraṇa of 'the refutation of the Yoga.'