IV-3 Śrī Bhāshya | Rāmānuja
Brahma Sutras: Chapter 4 Pāda 3
Topic 1 - The path connected with deities beginning with that of the flame is the only path to Brahmaloka
Topic 2 - The departing soul reaches the deity of the year and then the deity of the air
Topic 3 - After reaching the deity identified with lightning the soul reaches the world of Varuṇa
Topic 4 - Flame etc. referred to in the text describing the path of the gods mean deities identified with the flame etc., which conduct the soul stage after stage till Brahmaloka is reached
Topic 5 - The Brahman to which the departed souls go by the path of the gods is the Saguṇa Brahman
Topic 6 - Only those who have worshipped the Saguṇa Brahman without a symbol attain Brahmaloka