II-2 Śrī Bhāshya | Rāmānuja
Brahma Sutras: Chapter 2 Pāda 2
Topic 1 - Refutation of the Sānkhya’s theory of the Pradhāna as the First Cause
Topic 2 - Refutation of the objection from the Vaiśeṣika standpoint against Brahman being the First Cause
Topic 3 - Refutation of the atomic theory of the Vaiśeṣikas
Topic 4 - Refutation of the Bauddha Realists
Topic 5 - Refutation of the Bauddha Idealists
Topic 6 - Refutation of the Jainas
Topic 7 - Refutation of the doctrine that God is only the efficient, not material, cause of the world
Topic 8 - Refutation of the Bhāgavata or the Pāñcharātra school